Royal Naval Association Brightlingsea

While we are primarily a Naval organisation we welcome members from all of the services, and those who have never served in the forces joining our branch as associate members, without them our group would be much smaller.

On Thursday 24th August our oldest member and veteran TAG Ron was treated to VIP status at Clacton Air Show, this was a result of cooperation with Tendring District Council when we realised that the Swordfish from Navy Wings was to be flown in the display. Ron was interviewed by all sections of the media and appeared on television in the news.

For the winter months starting in November we will be meeting on the first Saturday of the month, lunchtime at the Legion, this will make it easier for those who have difficulty travelling in the dark.
Royal Naval Association
Brightlingsea Branch
Join us on the first Tuesday of the month,
at the RBL Club, Sydney Street.
at 19:15 for 19:30 start